Love: The Common Denominator
John 15:9-17
by Merlin Shorb

We are familiar with this phrase from our classes in arithmetic. When we are shown a random group of fractions, we must first find the divisor that is common to all of them. Once we have figured out that divisor, the common denominator, we can convert all our fractions to the same divisor. This will enable us to add and subtract the fractions. As long as we maintain the same ratio between numerator and denominator, the fractions are not changed in value. Reading our text, we find that the common denominator that underlies the whole of life is love. Whenever we are motivated by love, all else in life falls into line. The unique feature of Jesus of Nazareth is that love for his Father was his prime mover. He was thereby empowered to follow his Father’s wishes to the letter. We might say that for Jesus love was the lowest common denominator around which all the random "fractions" of life could come together.

The Lowest Common Denominator, by Merlin Shorb