Love Still Asks the Question
Matthew 25:31-46
by Edward F. Markquart

In Matthew's Gospel where the judge asks the question at the end of history, "What have you done?" What a question. It's a way of asking, "Do you really believe in Jesus Christ?" They are the two sides of the same question. When we are asked that question, "What have you done for the least of these, my brothers and sisters," this does not contradict the grace of God, that salvation is a pure gift.

Let me illustrate this by means of an analogy. I love my children too much.  Do any of you have that problem? Do any of you love your children too much? That you love your children immensely?  That you love your children unconditionally? That you love your children graciously?  That is just the way it is! But I still ask my children the question and so do you, "Have you done your work today? Have you done your jobs today? Have you taken out the garbage? Did you do the dishes?  Did you make your bed? Did you clean your room? Did you do your homework?  Did you do your confirmation lesson?"  Do you know how many times I have asked my children, "Did you do the work that I gave you to do?" My excessive love for my children is great but I still ask the question, "What did you do today?"

This is also true of God. The same is true of God.  God's love for you is great, but God still asks you and me the question: Have you done your chores today? Did you do your chores today? Did you take care of the sick, the poor, the orphans, the starving, the thirsty, the refugees, the homeless, the hungry, the lonely in the nursing homes? Have you done your chores today?

That God asks you that question does not mean that God does not loves you.  It's just the opposite. Because God does love you unconditionally, God then asks you that question. Have you done your chores? Do you know what the Father wants to have done around the house today and do you do it?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Our Final Day in Court or Here Comes 'da Judge, by Edward F. Markquart