Loss of the Beloved Child
by Editor James S. Hewett

Excerpt from an interview with the late Joe Bayly of David C. Cook Publishing Company and his wife, Mary Lou. The Baylys lost three children.

Joe: We are stewards of the children God gives us, and at any time God can interrupt that stewardship.

Mary Lou: Although this isn't something you can say to somebody else who has just lost a child or is in the process of losing a child, it's still true that if Jesus Christ is the Creator and has planned in intricate detail each of His creations—especially His own people—then if we love one of them how much more He must. How can we compare our love to His? Our assignment from God is to simply prepare our children as a skilled craftsman fashions an arrow. But you always have to remember that the arrows may not always be shot out into adulthood.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett