Looking for Signs
John 3:2
by Staff

In our experience, when something happens that actually seems to be a sign, it often lends itself to more than one interpretation. There was a story I heard about a man named Benny who had tried several business ventures, but each one had flopped, and he had always lost money on them.

The day came when Benny had an idea for yet another business, but his wife was skeptical that it would do any better than his previous endeavors. She suggested that he ask God for a sign as to what he should do, so Benny did. The next morning, after buttering a piece of bread for breakfast, the bread slipped out of Benny's hand and fell on the floor, but it fell butter side up. Benny immediately cried out that this was an answer to his prayer, the good omen for which he'd been looking. His wife, however, wasn't so sure, and she urged her husband to talk to their rabbi about the sign. Benny did, and the rabbi, after thinking about Benny's dismal track record as a businessman, issued his conclusion: "Benny," he said, "you buttered your bread on the wrong side."

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff