Living beyond Apprehension
Matthew 24:36-44
by Staff

C.S. Lewis wrote with deep humor and insight about his faith in God in Christ. Lewis understood the gospel of Jesus to be Good News, not a fearful encounter with God as judge, but a meeting with a God full of agape love. Lewis remembered a moment of anxiety felt by his wife, Joy.

"Long ago before we were married, [Joy] was haunted all one morning as she went about her work with the obscure sense of God (so to speak) 'at her elbow,' demanding her attention.  And of course, not being a perfected saint, she had the feeling that it would be a question, as it usually is, of some unrepented sin or tedious duty.  At last she gave in - I know how one puts it off - and faced Him.  But the message was, 'I want to GIVE you something' and instantly she entered into joy."

Christianglobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff