Life as a Piece of Music
Matthew 3:13-17
by Mark Radecke

Think of your life as a piece of music. Life in the microwave world provides you the staccato notes, the quick and sometimes dissonant voice. By itself, it is confusing and lacking in substance or form. It may even seem chaotic and annoying.

Along baptismal obedience in the same direction provides the sustenuto, the sustained voice, the continuo line. It gives body and substance to the piece. By itself, it could become tedious or dull.

But when the sustained voice undergirds and supports the staccato notes, when life in the microwave world is sustained and supported by God's gift of a long baptismal obedience in the same direction, then life is a magnificent fugue beautiful, rich, multi-textured, varied; surprising yet graceful and grace-filled.

Such a life is beautiful music; played and sung to the glory of the composer God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, into whose eternal name we are baptized!

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., God in Flesh Made Manifest, by Mark Radecke