Life's Storm
Mark 4:35-41
by Harold H. Lentz

Victor Hugo, in his story "Ninety-Three," tells of a ship caught in a dangerous storm on the high seas. At the height of the storm, the frightened sailors heard a terrible crashing noise below the deck. They knew at once that this new noise came from a cannon, part of the ship's cargo, that had broken loose. It was moving back and forth with the swaying of the ship, crashing into the side of the ship with terrible impact. Knowing that it could cause the ship to sink, two brave sailors volunteered to make the dangerous attempt to retie the loose cannon. They knew the danger of a shipwreck from the cannon was greater than the fury of the storm.

That is like human life. Storms of life may blow about us, but it is not these exterior storms that pose the gravest danger. It is the terrible corruption that can exist within us which can overwhelm us. Our only hope lies in conquering those lose cannons in our ships bow. Unfortunately sin is something we cannot secure by ourselves. It takes the power of God's love, as revealed in Jesus Christ. He is our only hope of anchoring the debris that threats to harm our souls and cripple our lives.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz