Lewis on the Importance of Salvation
Luke 13:1-9
by John Piper

C. S. Lewis, the brilliant English scholar and Christian writer died the same day President John Kennedy did. Even today his books on the Christian faith are being reprinted by the thousands. One of the reasons I think God so greatly blessed the ministry of C. S. Lewis, and still blesses it, is that Lewis never had an elitist, artsy love for fine literature or fine music or fine culture in any form, though he himself was a great artist. In his life everything is subordinate to the salvation of lost sinners.

I find what he says a tremendous inspiration to keep the perishing before our eyes as we do our work and pray how God would use us to wake them up. Listen to Lewis for the sake of your own ministry:

"It is hardly possible for [us] to think too often or too deeply about [the glory] of…

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by John Piper