Let Us Show Thanks in Our Example
Matthew 28:16-20
by Brett Blair

An international gathering of youth met for a full week to discuss how better to promulgate Christ's message to the world. Those assembled for the conference read many informative essays, heard many fine speakers, watched a few videos, and had ample time to discuss with each other. At the end and probably because of a little frustration with the proceedings a young woman from East Africa arose and said, "In my country when we hear that a pagan village is ready to accept the Gospel we don't send books, videos, a Bible or even an evangelist. Rather we send the best Christian family we can find because we have found that the example of a good family speaks louder and more clearly than all the books, speeches, and videos in the world."

The truly important things in life are generally the intangibles, like the way we present ourselves to others. When we least expect it, we are witnessing. It is in our simple day to day living that we are the strongest advocates for our Lord. These simple intangibles that people notice will open the door for you to speak. You don't need to be a seminary professor to win people to Christ. Be you and tell your story. That's will fulfill the Great Commission. 

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Adapted from Richard Gribble, Sundays after Pentecost: Conversion to Christ, by Brett Blair