Let It Shine!
John 1:1-18
by Carlyle Fielding Stewart

The Gospel of John makes one of the most powerful observations in all scripture: "In the beginning was The Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life and that life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not." (KJV) The Moffatt translation of the Bible says, "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not mastered it." The New International Version of the Bible says, "And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it." Perhaps the most comprehensive statement is found in the Amplified Bible, which says, "And the light shines in the darkness, for the darkness has not overpowered it - put it out, or has not absorbed it, has not appropriated it and is unreceptive to it."

The Amplified Bible provides the most definitive statement of this passage, for the darkness has not overpowered the light, put it out, absorbed it, or appropriated it and is thoroughly unreceptive to it. It is this translation of John 1:5 that I wish to elaborate today. Before dealing with the meaning of the Amplified Bible's version of this passage, I want to talk about the function and purpose of darkness and light in two principal realms: the physical realm at the beginning of creation and the spiritual realm at the beginning of the second creation with the coming of Christ.

In Genesis we find discussion of darkness in the physical realm. Genesis 1:2 says that the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Then God said, "Let there be light."

Before light was created by God, darkness had already been created as a first principle. The darkness was already in existence before God called the light into being. Many people say that God created light first with the words, "Let there be light," but if God created everything and the darkness existed prior to God's calling the light into existence, this means that God had to have created the darkness first. First, the darkness was created and then God called light into being.

Let me say that the original function of darkness was to serve as a help structure, a supporting cast for the light. The original purpose of darkness was to help the light be seen; to help the light stand out; to help the light reach its apex and function by providing a black backdrop to the light. We all know that the light is best seen in darkness. So when God created darkness, God created it to have a specific function and that function was to help the light irradiate in the most brilliant manner possible. The light best shines when it has a black background. The darkness was originally intended to embrace the light, surround the light, provide the light with a black canopy or canvass against which the light would greatly standout. The original purpose of physical darkness as created by God is to function in harmony with the light so that light and darkness would complement each other, work together in a collaborative manner.

It was not necessary for the darkness to say to the light, "I am better than you. I am greater than you. I am more desirable than you. God prefers me more than you." There was no reason for the darkness to try to overcome the light. No reason for the darkness to set up a conspiracy to take the light from the light because the light could only do its best work in conjunction with the darkness.

So in the beginning the darkness and light were like husband and wife; they were opposite poles of the same principle. They functioned as a closely knit unit in creation - each complementing and beautifying the other; each providing the other with the necessary support; each adoring and adorning the other with the elements to help each do its best work.

This is the function of light and darkness in the physical realm. This is what God intended in the first creation: that darkness and light become soul mates, helpmates, in the created order of creation. Each would function according to God's master plan of the universe. Each would function with its appointed tasks with equal hours in creation. Each would keep watch over certain portions of the earth in its equally allotted time slot.

But something happened that changed all that. The scriptures say that God began to set into the universe different qualities or gradations of light. Genesis 1:4 says that God said that the light was good, and separated the light from darkness. Note now that God did not say the darkness was good, but that the light was good. God called the light day and the darkness night.

We also find in Genesis 1:14 that God began further to separate the day and the night and used them to mark the seasons, days, and years, and God put lights in the sky in the form of stars. Genesis 1:16 says that God made two great lights, the greater light to govern the day, and the lesser light to govern the night. While God had created these two realities initially to coexist in harmony, we find that the conditions are set in motion to place night and day at odds with each other. Note that in Genesis 1:31 God saw all that God had made and it was very good. According to God, light and darkness were good because he created them, but somehow the darkness did not comprehend this fact of creation and the struggle of light and darkness was established in the physical realm. This struggle of light and darkness would translate into every realm of creation. Perhaps the darkness had a problem with God calling the light good and God not calling the darkness good.

Whatever the case, the terms and conditions of the war of light and darkness were set into creation. Whereas darkness and light were originally created to function and coexist in harmony, when God began separating them and valuing them, the terms for the struggle between light and darkness began. In the beginning they were created as soul mates, but as God began to separate them, jealousy, envy, and competition set in between these entities. The darkness became envious of the light because God called it good. The darkness became envious of the light because the light would have first priority.

God said there would be day first and then night. The darkness may not have liked being put in second place, in second order, playing second fiddle. The darkness may not have liked this because it was here first. The darkness existed before God created light and now the light would be first in the form of day and darkness second in the form of night.

Whether we have a literal or figurative interpretation of the creation story, the fact is the conditions of light and darkness were established in the first creation, and that by naming the light good, and by making day a greater light and night a lesser light, the terms were set for the struggle of light and darkness in physical creation. In the physical realm darkness and light have been forever in competition and that struggle translated into humanity, into spiritual creation, into the war of darkness and light for the souls of humankind. We find that Adam and Eve sinned not only because they disobeyed God, but also because the darkness won out over Adam's and Eve's souls. Because the competition or war of light and darkness had been set in motion in creation resulting in good and evil, Adam and Eve fell in to spiritual darkness by their sin against God. The war for men's and women's souls in the spiritual realm may have been set at creation in the Garden, resulting in Adam's and Eve's loss of light. They allowed the reality of darkness to overcome the light of God in them.

In the second creation, with the coming of Jesus, we find that God is trying to re-establish the supremacy of that light in the souls of humankind. God is not trying to re-create physical creation, but re-create and configure the souls and spirits of humankind, because there is so much darkness that the light threatens to be snuffed out, overcome. So God sent another light to the world, the light which was also present in the first creation, but now is a light shining in the souls and hearts of God's people. God sent Christ to the world so that the light could regain its power and ascendancy in the souls of God's people. These powers don't like this light but can't put it out.

And so in the spiritual realm we find in the Gospel of John that God has brought a great light in the form of Christ: a light of hope, love, joy, forgiveness, and spiritual prosperity. Those who bear witness to that light must capture that light in the sanctuary of their souls and continue to let that light shine in the darkness.

John says a light shines in the darkness and now the darkness cannot overpower it, cannot put it out, cannot absorb it, cannot appropriate it, cannot be receptive to it. This is the word to those in the new creation of Christ. The spiritual darkness is threatening to blow your light out, and as long as you have the light of Christ in your life that light can never be snuffed out.

Stop hiding your light under the bushel. Isaiah says, "Arise, shine for your light has come."

Again, let us go back to the Amplified Translation of the Bible. Many people whom God has thoroughly and tremendously blessed are still struggling with whether to shine that light. They still apologize to people for what God has given them. For too long now they have sold out their souls to the darkness. They have allowed the darkness to overcome their light. They have reduced their spiritual incandescence in order to let the darkness feel more comfortable. You have hidden your light under a bushel because the darkness has threatened to overcome your light.

The Amplified Translation says that you must remember to continue shining your light, first of all, because the darkness cannot overpower it. Overpower is a key word because it suggests allowing your light to be overpowered through spiritual, physical, or psychological intimidation. The people of God have been intimidated into reducing the glow of their light. The Bible says a light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overpower it. You may have people in your life, in your world, who have tried to instill fear in you, intimidate you into reducing your flame, but you shouldn't give them the satisfaction. All they want to do is overpower you, threaten you, and discourage you from shining your light. Let your light shine.

Look at the world. People are afraid, fearful, paranoid, suspicious, and unhappy because they have allowed the children of darkness to overpower them. People can't walk the streets anymore in darkness for fear of their lives. Spiritual darkness has so overcome and overpowered our lives that we are afraid to stand for right, for truth, for justice. We are afraid to stand for the light. We are afraid and intimidated because the darkness has overpowered us, and we are running scared for our lives.

Second, there is a light shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot put it out. Just as overpowering suggests spiritual, physical, and psychological intimidation to keep you from shining your light, to have your light put out is to allow the spiritual, physical, and psychological forces to annihilate your light. Not only do they want to overpower your light, but if they can they will eliminate, annihilate, and obliterate your light. They will stop at nothing to put your light completely out. That's what's wrong with some of us today. We allow the forces of envy, evil, and injustice to put our lights out completely so that we no longer have joy, no longer have confidence, assurance, and trust in God. Stop allowing the forces of evil, envy, deceit, and power to put your light out. God made you an intelligent, productive, worthwhile person and no person, no power, no principality has the right to snuff out that light, to put that light out. But if you have the light of Christ in you, it is an inextinguishable flame. It is imperishable. It cannot be put out!

Third, the darkness cannot absorb this light. Absorbing your light means that there are spiritual, physical, and psychological forces that will saturate your light. They can't overpower your light through intimidation. They can't put out your light through annihilation, so they try to absorb your light through saturation. These forces are a little more diplomatic and discreet. They don't use outright scare tactics like the intimidators and annihilators. They use guile and cunning, because they smile in your face and stab you in your back. They shake your hand with their finger on the trigger. They are not man nor woman enough to tell you to your face that they don't like you, so they try to absorb and saturate your light by undermining that light through clandestine means. They ingratiate themselves with you and make you feel like you're one of them so as to saturate your light. Your light already outshines them but since they couldn't intimidate or annihilate, they'll saturate you under the guise of legitimacy and goodness. Let your light shine. Don't let the saturators steal your light. These saturators are everywhere. On the job. Maybe in your home. Even sometimes in the church. They make an art of faking left and going right. They never want you to shine and the moment you do they've got some reason to soak you up so you won't shine your light!

Fourth, the darkness cannot appropriate your light. Now after intimidation, annihilation, and saturation, you think folks would go somewhere and sit down and leave you alone. But there's another group. They try to appropriate your light. They use spiritual, physical, and psychological forces to legislate your light. They do it through the group process; through the committee mandate; through legal caveat. They can't intimidate you, annihilate you, or saturate you, so the next logical thing is to legislate your light right out of existence. All under the pretext of making things better for everybody.

These persons begin to use labels to devalue you as a person. Words such as arrogant, not a team player, overqualified, militant, aloof, distant, unapproachable, upstart, egotistical. These words are used to devalue your worth so they can legislate your light right out of existence. Their whole design is to get you to lower your opinion of yourself - make you think you're boasting because you shine the light God gave you. They want you to feel bad about being a superstar so they use machinations and gambits to make you lower your expectations and standards of yourself and others around you. They specialize in bringing out the worst in you because they have such a low opinion of themselves. Watch out for the legislators of the light. They'll vote your light right out of service.

The legislators cannot appropriate this light. Stop trying to fit in with those around you. Sometimes you have to go along to get along, but don't sell out God to the devil. Don't trade in your soul for a few glad moments of cheap grace. God has given you a light and that light is to shine at all times, especially in the darkness. Don't compromise that light to darkness. Don't let those of darkness around you, who are intimidated and envious of you, trick you into appropriating what God has given you. Let your light shine!

Fifth, since they can't intimidate, annihilate, saturate, or legislate your light out of existence, now they are totally unreceptive to your light. Now they outright repudiate your light. Not to accept something is to repudiate, to reject, something as completely useless. Whatever you do, those of darkness will be unreceptive to your light. There are some people who are so insecure, so self-satisfied, so envious, so jealous, so low in their self-esteem that no matter what you do, they will never be receptive to you. You can cry crocodile tears. You can go the second, third, fourth, and fifth mile to please them. You can wine them and dine them. You placate them, elevate them, and ingratiate yourself with them, and they still have a problem with you. They repudiate everything you do or ever try to do right out of existence because they really don't care about you, about how you feel, or about your well-being as a person. So now they are downright unreceptive to you.

But you keep letting your light shine. Don't turn if off. Don't put it out. Don't let the spiritual, physical, emotional, and psychological forces and powers intimidate you, annihilate you, saturate you, legislate you, or repudiate you. Because there is a light shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot overpower it, cannot put it out, cannot absorb it, cannot appropriate it, and cannot be receptive to it. So let your light shine! God gave you the light in the first place. If somebody can take it away, God can, but God doesn't want to take it. God wants you to use it!

So if you have love, give it. A talent, develop it. A gift, share it. A seed, plant it. A harvest, reap it. A mind, use it. A test, ace it. Money, invest it. A problem, solve it. An obstacle, hurdle it. A trial, win it. A book, read it. Fruit, bear it. A hat, wear it. A thorn, prick it. A tree, pick it. A task, do it. A song, sing it. A business, grow it. A poem, write it. A project, complete it. A light, shine it! A church, serve and support it!

Let it shine. Use what God has given you or lose what God has given you. Let your light shine for Christ. There is a light shining in the darkness and the darkness cannot overpower it, put it out, absorb it, appropriate it, or be receptive to it, so let it shine!

Just as the physical darkness got jealous when God said the light was good and separated them from each other, God has called you to be separate, apart, because you have something good. Now you need to stop trying to make those of lesser quality, lesser instinct, lesser capacity be receptive to you. God gave you more light. Shine your light. God didn't call you to compromise your gifts, talents, and skills to make the children of darkness comfortable. Let your light shine for Jesus and get a good life! Put Christ in your life, and light the eternal flame of goodness for you and those around you. Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine! Keep shining your light!

C.S.S. Publishing Company, JOY SONGS, TRUMPET BLASTS, AND HALLELUJAH SHOUTS, by Carlyle Fielding Stewart