Let's Get Him Advertised
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 
by Billy D. Strayhorn

There was a little boy named Richie. Two special events had taken place in his life and both had impressed him very much. First, he had recently been baptized, and second, he was the proud brother of a baby boy named Stevie. One Sunday his father asked if he wanted to go to church. Richie's answer was an enthusiastic,"Yes. And let's take Stevie and get him advertised, too!"

Richie wasn't too far off the mark. You see baptism is never really a private affair. The inner changes and convictions, the inner workings of the spirit leading an individual to Christ are personal and private. BUT, the declaration of that faith can never be a private thing, for it is a time of advertising faith and grace.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., A Faith Odyssey, by Billy D. Strayhorn