Lending Talent
Matthew 21:1-11
by Bill Bouknight

One of my pastor-friends in the Memphis Conference is a wonderful preacher. Some years ago she was serving on a church staff in Cincinnati, as a layperson in charge of singles ministry. One day a layman and his wife took her out to dinner. The layman said to her, "I don't know how to lead people to Jesus, but I know how to make money. You know how to lead people to Jesus, so I want to send you to seminary."

After Susan recovered a bit from shock, she asked, "Are you really serious?" He said, "I certainly am. And I want you to pick out the best seminary in the country. I don't believe in doing things half-way and neither does Jesus."

Today she is joyously at work leading people to Jesus. And he is still busy making money to underwrite the work of Christ. Both she and he lent their donkeys to Jesus.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Bill Bouknight