Leading Your Church to Growth
by C. Peter Wagner

These are survey questions for your church's neighborhood:

  1. Are you an active member of a nearby church? If the answer is yes, the interview stops there. Wish the person well, but remember that you are looking for the opinion of the unchurched.
  2. What do you think is the greatest need in (insert the name of your area or community)?
  3. Why do you think most people don't attend church? Be sure you don't change the working of this key question.
  4. If you were looking for a church in the area, what kinds of things would you look for?
  5. What advice would you give me as the pastor of a nearby church? What, for example, could I do for you?

Take notes as you talk, then leave the person a brochure describing your church. When you have 100 pages of notes, study them for a long time in an attitude of prayer. You should find you have a good handle on the felt needs of the unchurched in your area.

Regal Books, Leading Your Church to Growth, by C. Peter Wagner