Leading by Example
John 4:1-42
by King Duncan

Bruce Larsen, in his book Ask Me to Dance, includes the story of a member of his congregation who had come from another country. Pastor Larsen said of this person,

"Her faith sparkled and the living water of the spirit flowed out of her soul to all around her." He invited her to go with him to a seminar on the topic of evangelism. The leaders had prepared tables filled with all sorts of pamphlets and strategies and demographic studies, all aimed at reaching the un‑churched in their area. At some point during the program the leaders turned to this woman and asked her to share some of the reasons that made the church so important and so vital in her home country. At first she was a bit intimidated by the crowds, but then she had this to say, "Well, we never gave pamphlets to people because we never had any. We just showed people by our life and example what it is like to be a Christian, and when they can see for themselves, then they want to be a Christian, too."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan