Leadership--Two Examples
by Editor James S. Hewett

The frogs wanted a leader. They bothered Jupiter so much with their requests that he finally tossed them a log into the pond, and, for awhile, the frogs were happy with their new leader. Soon, however, they found out they could jump up and down on their new leader and run all over him. He offered no resistance nor even a response. The log did not have any direction or purpose in his behavior, but just floated back and forth in the pond. This practice exasperated the frogs, who were really sincere about wanting "strong leadership."

They went back to Jupiter and complained about their log leader and appealed for much stronger administration and oversight. Because Jupiter was weary of the complaining frogs, he gave them a stork, who stood tall above the members of the group and certainly had the appearance of a leader. The frogs were quite happy with their new leader. Their leader stalked around the pond making great noises and attracting great attention. However, their joy turned to sorrow and ultimately to panic, for in a very short time the stork began to eat its subordinates.

This story, taken from Aesop, speaks of two kinds of leaders. The Lord does not want His leaders to be like logs who allow the people totally to run the church; neither does the Lord want His leaders to be like storks that eat up the people and only take advantage of them. May the Lord grant His leaders the divine balance that He so greatly desires.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett