Lancing the Boil
by Maxie Dunnam

She sat in my office, fidgeting about in her chair, twisting a handkerchief in her hand.

Finally she interrupted a pleasantry she was sharing and blurted out a confession that was eating her heart out, and she began to cry.

I remember the pain of a boil on my arm.  It was an abscess in which a reservoir of poison collected to not only give me great pain, but to send fever throughout my body.  When the doctor lanced the boil and drained the poison, my fever subsided and the pain was soon gone.

Confession is often the scalpel that lances the boil and allows the poison of guilt and depression to our out.

My friend's tears of confession were a cleansing experience.  She heard the word of grace - that Christ forgives, and went her way in joyous freedom.

If that is your need, don't wait.  Find someone who will listen in love and offer the word of grace and forgiveness.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam