Keeping the Christian Faith
Matthew 6:25-34
by Michael B. Brown

A French prince in the Middle Ages was asked if he were faithful to his wife. He answered: "Yes ...frequently." The line is humorous but the point of the story is anything but. Sometimes in life it is all too difficult to find someone to trust, someone to believe in. Even spouses, parents and dearest of friends can let us down. But the Christian faith teaches that when all the others have come and gone, God remains constant -- "the same yesterday, today and forever." God is always in our corner, always as close as a prayer, always loving us whether or not we deserve it and always willing to carry the heavy end of each of our crosses if asked. "If God so clothes the grass of the fields and feeds the birds of the air, will God not much more take care of you...?"

CSS Publishing Company, Be All That You Can Be, by Michael B. Brown