Keeping Our Colors True
by Staff

A painter of landscape scenes always kept in front of him on his easel a number of precious stones - emerald, sapphire, ruby. Asked why, he replied, "To help me keep my colors true. In course of time, without some constant reference, my eye might lose its perception of color tones, and the colors I choose may not be right, may not be what they once were."

So it is with us, in the requirements of our ongoing life. Lest we wander astray, we need occasional exposure to some unchanging and unfading standard. Unless we are in touch with some constant reference, we can deviate and scarcely know it. We need some touchstone to test ourselves by, one that is worthy of what life is, one by which our life-tones can be safely set.

So, in worship about once a week, we seek a fresh, clear, undistorted view of our Lord - of his love, his will, his way for us. Then, going forth to the living of another week, we take with us a strong and compelling vision of what our life ought to be. By that vision all our choices and actions are monitored as we move through another chapter of life's continuing story.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff