Keep on Asking. Keep on Trusting.
Matthew 15:21-28
by King Duncan

A young pastor sat beside a hospital bed in which his wife lay. It was nearing the time for them to become parents. Soon this young couple would bask together in the glow of the announcement: "It's a boy." Later, however, they would begin a desperate search for some specialist who could help the child. They were unsuccessful - little Ronnie was born mentally impaired. The entrance of this father into the school of suffering taught him many things. Recalling that first grief-fraught summer, Ronald Meredith wrote, "Grief teaches lessons that joy can never know. We discovered that there is a comradeship in pain."

Unlike the Canaanite woman, Ronald Meredith did not see his son healed. But he has not quit trusting. He now looks forward to that great day when God's plan for us will be perfected. He believes that one day he will look at Ronnie and say, "Hi, Son," and for the first time Ronnie will respond, "Hi, Dad." They will need a lot of time to talk, for Ronnie has never been able to speak a word.

The Canaanite woman saw Jesus heal her daughter immediately. It may be that Ron Meredith will have to wait until that day he and his son are united on that distant shore, beyond this world of limitations and adversity, when he will see his son fully healed - but he has not quit trusting....and neither should we. Keep on asking. Keep on trusting.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., by King Duncan