Just Receive
John 3:16
by King Duncan

Harvey Penick, a 90-year-old golfer, hit the jack pot with two books on golf: The Little Red Book, and If You Play Golf, You're My Friend. Together these two books have sold nearly two million copies.

In the 1920's Penick bought a red spiral notebook and began jotting down observations about golf. He never showed the book to anyone except his son until 1991, when he shared it with a local writer and asked if he thought it was worth publishing. The man read it and told him yes. He left word with Penick's wife the next evening that Simon & Schuster had agreed to an advance of $90,000. When the writer saw Penick later, the old man seemed troubled. Finally, Penick came clean. With all his medical bills, he said, there was no way he could advance Simon & Schuster that much money. The writer had to explain that Penick would be the one to receive the $90,000.

How often we mistakenly view God's offer of salvation in Jesus Christ just like Harvey Penick mistakenly perceived Simon & Schuster's offer of an advance. We ask what must I do?" God answers back, "just receive."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan