Jimmy Carter's Effectiveness
Mark 10:35-45; 2 Cor 12:9
by Katherine Fagerburg

Talk show host John Calloway interviewed the editor of The Christian Century. Calloway asked James Wall, "What do you think made Jimmy Carter so effective as an international negotiator?" Wall replied, "Carter has the prestige and experience of the presidency without the political baggage. Furthermore, he is able to draw on his personal, deeply held religious belief that in talking with another person, one must be sensitive to the other's perspective."

Calloway responded, "You are really saying that it is the one without power who really has power."

That is closer to what Christ taught, that power is sometimes manifested in weakness, in giving oneself to others. Authentic greatness is redefined to mean serving instead of being served, using the power of love rather than seeking power and control. In the kingdom of God, we do not attain prominence by getting our bids in first, or by elbowing our way to the front. Prominence comes as we serve others with humility.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Redefining Greatness, by Katherine Fagerburg