Jesus Walking on Water  
John 6:1-21; Matt. 14:22-36
by Johnny Dean

Alexander Solzhenitsyn said that only once during his long imprisonment in a labor camp in the Soviet Union did he become so discouraged that he thought about suicide. He was outdoors, on a work detail, and he had reached a point where he no longer cared whether he lived or died. When he had a break, he sat down, and a stranger sat beside him, someone he had never seen before and would never see again. For no apparent reason, this stranger took a stick and drew a cross on the ground. Solzhenitsyn sat and stared at that cross for a long while. He later wrote, "Staring at that cross, I realized that therein lies freedom." At that point - in the midst of a storm - he received new courage and the will to live. The storm didn't end that day, but through Jesus, Solzhenitsyn found the strength to ride it out.

I don't know what storm of life will come your way this week, or what storm you may be enduring at this very moment. But I know this: even as the storm rages around you, if you will listen very carefully with your heart, you will hear a gentle voice calling to you, "Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid. I'm still here." And in time the storm will pass. But Jesus will still be there. AMEN

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Johnny Dean