We have all seen signs in years past that say "Jesus is the answer." That sounds good, but it is overly simplistic. Let us suppose someone is seeking the solution to three plus three. The answer here is not Jesus, it is six. We need to sow the Word of God in a responsible, mature manner. We must not be immature or silly as we do so.
Rev. Earl Davis was doing a Children's sermon one Sunday, and he asked the children, "What is brown, furry, lives in a tree and eats nuts?" Dead silence from the children. Finally, one 6-year-old boy in the back row spoke up and said, "Well, you know preacher, that sounds an awful lot like a squirrel, but I've been around here long enough to know that the right answer is always 'Jesus'."
See what I mean?
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations