Jesus Always Makes Us Better
John 13:31-35
by Edward F. Markquart

This past week, I again read a quotation by Morris Niedenthal, who teaches and preaches at the University of Chicago. He says that Jesus accepted people just the way they were, but he never left people just the way they were because he loved them. Jesus always made them better. So often on Sunday morning, I say to a child at the communion rail as I bless them and trace the sign of the cross on their forehead, "Receive the sign of the cross upon your forehead so that you would know that you are baptized and that God loves you just the way you are." But Jesus never leaves that person just the way they are. Jesus always makes people better. Jesus never accepts people just the way we are and leaves us just the way we are and always makes us better. Or to put it another way, Jesus sees beneath the soil to the seeds of human possibility. Or, Jesus sees inside the seeds to the possibility of what we can become.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Edward F. Markquart