Jehovah's Witnesses Error
Mark 13:1-31
by Staff

In 1995 the Jehovah's Witnesses changed their minds. After warning for decades that the world would end within this present generation, the leaders of the sect announced in December 1995 that they have softened their position. As a spokesman explained, "Jesus said that 'this generation will not pass away' until a number of signs have taken place (Mark 13:30)."

They continued, and listen to this explanation, "When we reflected on the scriptures, we decided that he was talking about his generation rather than ours." Really? That's what you decided? You mean, you thought, that when Jesus said "This generation will not pass away until...," that that meant our generation and not his. You really thought that, for decades. You don't even need to know how to interpret the bible to understand that. It's basic grammar.

I'll now ask your forgiveness for that bought of theological cynicism. 

Ex-Witness James Fenton, professor emeritus at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, is pleased by the change in doctrine. The Witnesses probably won't be knocking on our doors, he notes. The reason for their urgency no longer exists. Since the Jehovah's Witnesses have officially declared that the world probably will not end tomorrow, they will have a harder time motivating their members to ring more doorbells and gather more followers.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Adapted from William G. Carter, No Box Seats in the Kingdom, by Staff