It IS Enough
Matthew 14:13-21
by Johnny Dean

In an article in The Christian Century magazine the problem of homelessness in America was being addressed. It was a long article, it was the cover story, discussing every possible aspect of the problem. And in this long article, this extensive examination of a serious problem, in a Christian publication, not one mention was ever made of the church and what the church could do to help. Homelessness? Sounds like a government problem to me! Send them away, Jesus.

But Jesus says, "No. You give them something to eat. You take care of their needs." And despite the protests of his followers that they just don't have enough to do that, Jesus takes what they have - a lunch basket brought by a small boy, containing only a couple of loaves of bread and some fish. And he blesses it, breaks it, and gives it back to them and - what do you know? - It IS enough!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Johnny Dean