Inviting Us Out to Worship
by Carveth Mitchell

There is a chapel somewhere in Wisconsin that has a stained glass window over the entrance, showing the figure of Jesus with open arms. Some, seeing it for the first time, remarked, "How meaningful! He seems to be inviting us in to worship."

"That's true," the pastor said. "He is indeed inviting us in to worship."

When the service was over and the same person was going out the door, he looked up at the window again. There was the figure of Jesus, with the same invitingly open arms. "Look!" he said. "Now he seems to be inviting us out."

"Right," the pastor replied. "The Jesus who invited you to worship now invites you out into the world to serve other people in his name."

Our Lord is greatly interested not only in what goes on in the church, but in what goes on in the office, the home and the factory. That's where people spend most of their time. That's where the Christian life is to be lived.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Signs in the Subway, by Carveth Mitchell