Investing Your Time
Luke 10:38-42
by Eric Ritz

If you greet each new day as a treasure house to be invested wisely, the journey from Sunday to Saturday turns into an exciting and exhilarating experience. By the same token, if you do not use time, it will end up using you. No matter who you are, where you live or what you do, life is impacted most drastically by what you do with time and what it does with you. Will Rogers was once asked: "If you had only 48 hours to live, how would you spend them?" The Oklahoma cowboy philosopher replied: "One at a time." Such is the reality of time. Every day gives us 86,400 seconds and we must use every one of them as they come, for they will never be seen again.

But ironically, there is another side to this crucial issue for each of us. There is an altogether different dimension of time which only people of faith can ever know. There is a time which no wrist watch can measure, but which itself measures how much abundance people find in life. Beyond the world's time there is God's time. The basic issue is in learning how to tell one kind of time from the other. We must know when to wait and we must know when to move. Only when we are connected to God can we know the difference.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Eric Ritz