In the Headlines
Matthew 24:36-51
by James Merritt

As you well know, you certainly cannot always believe everything you read in the papers. Some of the headlines in papers are absolutely astounding. These are actual headlines that actually ran in American newspapers:

Experts say jet crashed because something went wrong.
Police begin campaign to run down jay walkers.
Crash probe decides plane was too close to ground
Minors refuse to work after death
Cold wave linked to falling temperatures
Couple slain: police suspect homicide
New study of obesity looks for larger test group
Typhoon rips through cemetery: hundreds of bodies found

Well, I really wish that every newspaper in America, in fact every newspaper around the world, would run this headline at least once a week: "Jesus Is Coming Again."

Note: We include this dated illustration as a primer. Adapt it to current headlines.

Christianglobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by James Merritt