In and Out of Favor
Luke 4:21-30

How quickly the opinion of crowd can change (cf. Acts 14:8-19). Amazingly, these were the same people who, moments ago, "were speaking well of Him". Fast forward three years and we witness another extreme shift in attitude during Jesus' last week of ministry. "Hosanna" (an expression of adoration to God) would swiftly turn into the deadly cries of "Crucify Him!"

Sonny Jurgenson (former QB for the Washington Redskins) was being interviewed by a reporter after winning a game and then losing the next. The reporter asked him, "Don't you ever tire of the yo-yo nature of the press?"

He said, "Nah, I've been around long enough to know that each week you are either in the penthouse or the outhouse."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations