Illegal Despair
by Maxie Dunnam

There ought to be a new law written.  It would read something like this: when confronted with anything that is confusing or frightening, it is illegal to give in to despair for at least three months.  Of course such a law could not be enforced, but it would remind us of some facts worth remembering.

One, things have a way of changing in time.

Two, things always look different in retrospect.

Three, we seldom see things for what they really are.

And four, most of us worry about projected outcomes that are never realized. 

There is an old saying which carries a bundle of truth -- don’t borrow trouble.  The law I am proposing would help us there.  We have enough actual trouble each day without anticipating what may never happen.  When confronted by confusion and fear, wait a while before you give in to despair.  Tomorrow the experience will look altogether different.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Maxie Dunnam