Igniting the Church
Mark 9:14-32
by Bill Bouknight

After Dr. Wilbur Chapman had preached his first sermon at the great Wannamaker Church in Philadelphia, an old gentleman waited to speak to him alone. The old man said, "You are pretty young to be pastor of this great church. I am afraid you won't succeed. But you do preach the gospel, and I am going to help you all I can." Dr. Chapman thought to himself, "Now this old man is a crank." But the old gentleman continued: "I am going to pray for you that you may have the Holy Spirit's power upon you, and two others have agreed to join with me." Years later, as Dr. Chapman remembered that day, he said, "I felt better when he told me that he was going to pray for me. The three prayers became ten; the ten became twenty; and the twenty became fifty; and the fifty became two hundred. They met before each service to pray that the Holy Spirit would fill their preacher and touch every worshipper." Dr. Chapman said, "It was easy to preach, a real joy. Anybody could preach with such conditions. We received 1,100 into our church by conversion in three years, 600 of which were men. It was the fruit of the Holy Spirit in answer to the prayers of those people." Dr. Chapman concluded, "Church members have much more to do than go to church as curious, idle spectators to be amused and entertained. It is their business to pray mightily that the Holy Spirit will clothe the preacher and choir with power and touch every worshipper."

That same series of miracles, and many more, can happen at Christ Church. We are not dependent, first and foremost, on a preacher or on our magnificent buildings or on unlimited parking or on a brilliant team of staff and volunteer leaders. The key is the power of God, and the way to unleash that power is through prayer.

If we just want to attract crowds, we could invite Elton John to sing. If we just want to get people excited, we could send them to a ball game. If we just want to raise money, we could hold raffles and give door prizes. But if we want to make disciples, mature disciples, and mobilize disciples, if we want to be the church, it will require the power of God. It is through prayer alone that such power is ignited. Now, look with me at our scripture for the day, Mark 9:20-29. Jesus took three of his disciples--Peter, James and John--up on a Mountain. There Jesus became radiant with spiritual power; his garments glowed with the whiteness of a thousand bleaches. There with him were Moses and Elijah, two of the foremost spiritual Leaders from previous centuries. The disciples actually heard God's booming voice declaring, "This is my beloved Son; listen to him. "

Later, when they came down from the mountain, they found the rest of the disciples in a mess. A father had brought to them his son, suffering from epilepsy. Though they laid hands on the boy and called for healing in the name of Jesus, nothing happened. They were greatly embarrassed and the crowd became angry. Jesus arrived in the nick of time. He healed the boy. Later, when the disciples were alone with Jesus, they asked him, "Why did we fail?" Jesus replied, in the words of the Living Bible translation, "Cases like this require prayer."

The great truth I find here is that whereas we can do the easy tasks of the church on our own, the really tough tasks require prayer. Prayer is the God-approved way to ignite the church with Holy Spirit power. What confidence God has in us that he allows us the privilege of prayer! God has made us His essential allies in the redemption of the world. There are some things God wants to do in His world that are almost impossible for Him to do unless we pray. Speaking in Old West terms, we are God's deputies, and our six-guns are prayer. Or, to switch the analogy, we have been delegated to providing the wiring or conduits through which the electricity of God's power flows. We are spiritual electricians! And that wiring is prayer.

Frank Laubach, that great man of faith who taught literacy and prayer, said this: "In prayer you do not turn God on. You open your life and the lives of others to God. God is yearning to use you as a channel of his love and power. For goodness sakes, make yourselves available!"

Today is a red-letter day in the life of Christ Church. This may be our most important weekend of 1997. I am calling for least 1000 of you to join me in a systematic, on-going prayer adventure. On your bulletin insert are listed ten specific prayer ministries. I am convinced that if at least 1000 Christ Church members are regularly engaged in at least one of these prayer adventures, we will ignite this church with a mighty after-burn

of spiritual power.

If Christ Church is going to win 500 new disciples for Jesus Christ each year, this will require prayer. If Christ Church is going to be a mighty reconciliation center in Memphis and Shelby County, this will require prayer. If Christ Church is going to help God reform and renew United Methodist Church, this will require prayer. Jesus said: "You have not because you ask not." "Ask and will be given you." "Pray without ceasing."

Arthur J. Moore was one of our greatest Methodist bishops. He was pastor in some of our largest churches. It was said that at least one person was converted every Sunday that he preached. One Sunday morning about fifteen minutes before a worship service, a friend from out of town dropped by Dr. Moore's office. After they greeted each other, the friend asked Dr. Moore this question: "what is key to this church's amazing effectiveness?"

Dr. Moore said, "Come with me." He took the visitor to church basement where a prayer meeting was in progress. Seventy people were praying fervently for him and the worship service was about to begin. When these people had finished praying, they quietly entered the sanctuary and took their seats. "Now," said Moore, Watch where they sit." "What do you mean?" the visitor asked. Replied, "Where each of them sits down is such a center of warmth that anyone frozen in sin who sits near them is liable thaw out before the service is over."

Would you be willing to be one of God's hot spots in Christ Church? Just imagine what God could do with over 1000 of us serving as conductors or conduits of the only power on earth that can save souls, transform lives, and change entire cities! Don’t you want to be part of that?! Please sign up today.

During those tense moments when a spaceship is launch at Cape Kennedy, one hears these familiar words from Mission Control: "We have ignition. We have lift-off." Only when the church prays faithfully and persistently say in truth, "We have ignition! We have lift-off!"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Collected Sermons, by Bill Bouknight