If I Had Only Known
by Maxie Dunnam

Years ago there was a billboard which promoted U.S. Saving bonds.  It said, "due to lack of interest, tomorrow has been canceled." One of my colleagues reversed it to read, "Due to lack of tomorrow, interest has been canceled." 

There is indeed a relationship between the prospects of the future and the motivating interest of today. It is important that we anticipate tomorrow's consequences of what we are doing today.  A recurring experience in life is caught up in the cry, "If I had only known."  After the horse is stolen, we lock the barn door.  After a fatal accident, we erect a stop sign.  After a disastrous flood, we build a dam.  After the damage is done to our friends, our families, our character, then we begin to shed copious tears for the actions and attitudes that did the damage in the first place.  How much more sensible to take the forward look - before traveling further towards some destination

With foresight to forsake it rather than hindsight to regret it.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc., by Maxie Dunnam