I Want to Live Forever
Mark 10:17-31
by Ozzie Smith

A commercial where a man is rummaging through garbage finds a lamp and rubs it, and a genie pops up. And the genie says, "You have three wishes." And the man said, "OK, I want all the money in the world." And, BOOM, all the money appears. The man is covered with money. He said, "OK, you have two more wishes." The man said, "OK, now I want all the women in the world." And, BOOM, all of the women in the world are there around the man. So he has all of the money and all of the women. And, finally, the genie says, "You have one more wish. What do you want?" The man said, "I want to live forever." And, BOOM, he turns him into the Energizer bunny!

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Ozzie Smith