I Shall Be Ready
Mark 13:34-37
by Mickey Anders

In the movie Mrs. Brown, Queen Victoria is sunk in a deep depression after the death of her husband Albert when her advisers come up with an idea. They send for her pony to be brought to Balmoral, accompanied by a handsome Scot named John Brown. She is not interested in being cheered up, and is infuriated when she looks out in the royal courtyard to see John Brown standing at attention beside her saddled pony. Day after day she refuses to go down. Day after day he returns. Finally she sends someone to tell him that she is not now and may never be interested in riding. John Brown is unmoved. "When her majesty does wish to ride," he says, "I shall be ready."

John Brown shows the attitude Jesus wants from us in our faith life. Can we say, "When His Majesty, God, does come, I shall be ready"?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Mickey Anders