I feel the Bottom
by Editor James S. Hewett

Years ago, Dr. Arthur John Gossip preached a sermon entitled, "When Life Tumbles In, What Then?" He preached it the day after his beloved wife had suddenly died. He closed with these words:

"I don't think you need to be afraid of life. Our hearts are very frail, and there are places where the road is very steep and lonely, but we have a wonderful God. And as Paul puts it, ‘What can separate us from His love? Not death,' he writes immediately. No, not death, for standing in the roaring Jordan, cold with its dreadful chill and, conscious of its terror, of its rushing, I, too, like Hopeful in Pilgrim’s Progress, can call back to you who one day in your turn will have to cross it, 'Be of good cheer, my brother, for I feel the bottom and it is sound."'

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett