I’m with Him
Matthew 3:1-12
by William B. Kincaid, III

A friend tells of the Saturday she spent going to football games with his father. The boy and his dad sat in sunshine and rain, wind and snow, and cheered for their favorite team. There was nothing like it. On the way home from the ball games, prior to the era of drive-through windows, they often stopped to get a bite to eat. The boy would stand at the counter and listen to his father give the order for their food. Sometimes the restaurant person would turn to the boy and ask, "And what for you today?"

It was very comforting for the boy to point to his father and say, "I'm with him." Those were the days. The boy's father took care of everything and all the boy had to do was stand there and wait on his food. If anybody happened to ask, he could always say, "I'm with him."

At some point, we start answering for ourselves. It is frightening at first, and sometimes it is still frightening years later, but the call to repent is a call each person must answer for himself, or herself.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., And Then Came the Angel, by William B. Kincaid, III