I’m Standing on His Shoulders
by Brett Blair

By the main warehouses that are right down on the river there is a daily operation that occurs. To keep all the barges able to come in you have to constantly dredge the channel. And when the sand comes up out of the bottom of the river and is dumped on the side it makes wonderful places to play because it creates these huge sand hills and kids love to play on them. There's really nothing more fun than playing on those huge sand hills and there's nothing more dangerous. Because when the sand comes out of the river bottom, it's wet and it creates a crust on the top of the hills. You can get on the top of them and they will collapse and the sand will sink you down inside the hill. Some years ago two brothers didn't come home for dinner and their bikes were found outside the fence where the dredging had been going on. The family began to search frantically as well as other rescuers for the two brothers. They finally found one. He was buried up to his chin in the sand. Because of the pressure of the wet sand and muck around him he was not breathing so they began to dig frantically. When they uncovered him down to his waist he regained consciousness and the family, in hysterics, began to say, "Where's your brother? Where's your Brother? Where's your brother?" And what he said was, "I'm standing on his shoulders."

The one brother had given his life for the good of another. It is an example of course of what Christ did for us that he gave himself to lift us up to our God. What we are doing as Christians...we are the foundation to lift others up so that they might find life in Christ.

Note: We are not able to ascertain the veracity of this story. Mark Driscoll tells the story in his book, Who Do You Think You Are? But, he is using the story as any story teller might not because he has confirmed it's truth. Advice: Introduce as an urban legend. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair