Humor: You Call This Living?
John 20:1-9
by Brett Blair

There is a story of two garment workers in New York City. One was a cutter and one was a stitcher. They were working side by side. They began to talk about vacations. One said he was looking forward to his vacation and the other said he was not going on a vacation this year. The question was asked, “Why?”

“I went to Africa last year. I went elephant hunting.”

“Did you get any elephants?”

“No, I found an elephant. He charged me, but my gun was jammed, and I was killed.”

A little stunned he looked at his friend and said, “What are you talking about, you was killed? You aren’t dead. You’re sitting here living.”

And the other fellow looked down at his scissors, looked across at the needle and fabric in his friends hands and replied: “You call this living?”

Many of us look around at our lives and ask: Do you call this living? I am here to tell you — Easter sounds a resounding yes. Here is resurrection and here is life. We are His family -- the saved, the people who gather to worship him. This is indeed living! We are the resurrection people and we live on this side of Easter.

ChristianGlobe, Inc., by Brett Blair