Humor: Surprise, Surprise
Matthew 24:36-51
by J. Howard Olds

Surprise! Surprise! Life is full of surprises! Some surprises are awesome. Someone will get an engagement ring for Christmas. Some surprises are awful.  Some surprises are a combination of awesome and awful. A parishioner called her pastor and said, "I need a little help. My father just won a 30 million dollar lottery. He is 96 years old, has heart trouble and I am concerned if I tell him, he will have a heart attack. Would you mind paying him a visit?" Of course, the pastor agreed. Sitting in the old gentleman's home, they talked about sports, the weather, and life in general. Finally, the pastor asked the old man, "Suppose you won 30 million dollars. How would that change your life?" "It wouldn't," said the man. "I would still have arthritis and still be 96 years old. In fact, if I had 30 million dollars, I would give it to the Church." And then the pastor had a heart attack.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., Faithbreaks, by J. Howard Olds