Humor: A Day of Judgment
Matthew 25:31-46
by King Duncan

Only moments after prying open a window and stepping into a dark bedroom a burglar came face to face with a vicious looking Doberman Pincher. The burglar froze in his tracks. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark he noticed a parrot on the back of the dog which squawked "You're gonna get caught!" The burglar hesitated, then ever so carefully lifted an item off a dresser and put it in his sack. The dog watched every move. The parrot said, "You're gonna get caught!" Without any sudden or jerky movements the burglar then cleaned off the valuable items from the top of the dresser. The dog glared. The parrot said, "You're gonna get caught!"

The burglar quietly left the room, walked down the hallway, entered another room. The dog followed his every movement in the hall and the next room. The parrot squawked, "You're gonna get caught!" From room to room the dog paced right behind the burglar while the parrot annoyingly shouted, "You're gonna get caught!" You're gonna get caught!" At last the burglar finished stealing the jewelry and cash he found in the master bedroom closet. Every move by every muscle was scrutinized by the Doberman. The parrot said, "You're gonna get caught!"

Exasperated, the burglar finally bent down and picked up a shoe. He threw it at the bird and screamed, "You dumb parrot! Can't you say anything else?" The parrot fluttered away to avoid the shoe, then said, "Sic him."

That burglar's day of judgment was at hand.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan