by John H. Krahn

There was just no way Joshua could logically explain his battle plan to take Jericho. God told Joshua exactly what he wanted him to do. Can you picture Joshua trying to relate the plan to his generals?

"Well, we’re going to march around the city."

"Then what?"

"We’re going to do it seven times."

"Uh huh, then?"

"We’re going to blow the trumpets and make a lot of noise."


"Then the walls are going to fall down."

They probably thought Joshua had battle fatigue. But as the trumpets blasted on the seventh trip around, the walls began to crumble. God wouldn’t let Joshua down when he trusted in him.

Solomon, one of the wisest of the wise, said that the mark of wisdom is to put your trust in the Lord. However bright we might be, whatever our many gifts and talents, they do not compare with those of Almighty God. To put our trust in the Lord and have him guide our lives is the smart thing to do. To others such an act of confidence in the Lord might seem as foolish as Joshua’s battle plans.

The Christian life is not difficult; it’s impossible. Jesus said, "Without me you can do nothing." When life came crashing in upon Martin Luther, he would shout, "Christ is risen! He lives! He lives!" In this way Luther reminded himself that the same power of God which raised Jesus from the dead was now his. With God’s help he could meet and overcome his problems ... however large they were.

If God is powerful enough to create the universe and raise a dead man, he is able to help us handle whatever difficulties life throws our way. Do the smart thing - trust in the Lord.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Seasonings For Sermons, Vol. III, by John H. Krahn