How Much Is Enough?
John 6:1-15
by John P. Jewell

According to the old saying, enough is enough.  When you have enough of anything, it means you have an adequate supply.  If it is money it means you have sufficient funds to pay the bills.  If it is food, it means you have an ample amount for the number of people who are going to eat.

If there is not enough of something, you could have trouble.  Not enough money means you might have creditors hounding you.  Not enough food might mean lots of complaints.  In one scenario presented by Henry Kindall and David Pimentel in a journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, there is, "...little hope of providing adequate food for the majority of humanity by 2025-2050."  [Ambio Vol. 23 No. 3, May 1994]  It is almost frightening to think that there might not be enough to go around when the children in our nurseries are raising their families.

On the other hand there are people that enjoy much more than enough to get along.  A while back, people in Michigan and Illinois shared the biggest lottery jackpot in U.S. history. They will each have $20,000 each week to spend as they wish. I guess you would call that way more than enough.  This is especially true in light of the fact that a family of two, according to the federal guidelines on poverty, lives on just over half that amount in a year.

And yet, "enough" is a relative concept isn't it?  There are countries in the third world where it would take almost 40 years for a family to make the equivalent of our poverty level income.

How much is enough?

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Enough Is Enough, by John P. Jewell