How Long Things Last
by Frank Kendig and Richard Hutton

Here is the life-span of various things:

  • A lightning bolt lasts 45 to 55 microseconds.
  • The average running shoe worn by the average runner on an average surface will last 350 to 500 miles.
  • A hard pencil can write up to 30,000 words or draw a line more than 30 miles long.
  • Most ball-point pens will draw a line 4,000 to 7,500 feet long.
  • Leather combat boots have a wartime life-span of six months, a peacetime life-span of eight months (The army walks during war and peace.)
  • The projected life-span of a baby born in the U.S. today is about 71 years, nearly double what it was at the end of the 18th century.
  • The longest authenticated life-span of a human being is 113 years, 214 days.
  • Studies show married people live longer than those who remain single.
  • A group of subatomic particles known as unstable hadrons exists for only one one-hundred-sextillionth of a second (10 to the negative 23 second) less time than it takes light to travel a single inch.
  • A regular 100-watt incandescent bulb will last about 750 hours; a 25-watt bulb, 2,500 hours.
  • The number of times a light bulb is turned on and off has little to do with its life-span.
  • A one-dollar bill lasts approximately 18 months in circulation.
  • Practice footballs used by professionals last two to three days, a playing life of perhaps five hours.
  • Home teams are required to provide 24 new balls each game and these last only about six minutes of playing time.
ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Life-spans, by Frank Kendig and Richard Hutton