How Could God Let This Happen?
Matthew 2:13-18
by King Duncan

Life magazine set out to record what various kids thought about God. They handed out cameras to 56 kids between the ages of 8 and 13, and they asked each kid to go out and take pictures that reflect who God is. Anything that made them think of God was fair game for a photo. One nine-year-old took a picture of his social worker's office. She was nice to him, and that made him think of God. Other children took pictures of people they love, or things that make them happy. But some of the children's pictures reflected the kids' disillusionment with a God who didn't seem to hear their prayers or feel their pain. One nine-year-old, identified as Chris G., used up all his film taking pictures of the sky. When an interviewer asked him why he chose this as his subject, Chris answered that the sky is where Heaven is, and his little sister, Tina, was in Heaven. As he explained, "There was a fire. My mom got out, but she (Tina) didn't. She died at a bad age." The interviewer asked, "If God is as powerful as you say, Chris, how could God let that happen?" "He was probably working," the child replied. "Maybe God didn't know there was a fire?" the interviewer suggested. But Chris replied, "God knows everything. He knew, but He was working."

To tell you the truth, I wouldn't know how to answer Chris' concerns. Anymore than I would be able to answer the parents of those infants slain by the tyrant Herod. All I know is this, and I will stake my very life upon it: It is not God's will that any child should die. Now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see face to face. There is much we do not understand, but God is the God who revealed Himself in the manger of Bethlehem. God is a God of love, mercy, hope and peace. God does not coerce by force, but leads by the example of love, the love showed by Jesus Christ upon the cross of Calvary. If you want a leader for your life if you want a Lord for your life, I can recommend no other.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan