Hope for a Lost Cause
Mark 4:26-29, Mark 4:30-34
by Andrea Martin

Summertime is here, so I've taken up gardening. Old hat to many of you, but it's new to me. So a few weeks ago, when a friend told me nasturtium seeds would be easy – a gardener's instant gratification she promised – I decided to start there. I bought nasturtium seeds and potting soil and planted some in a peat pot the size of a small votive candle. I checked a reference book I'd bought and read up on how much water and sunlight the nasturtiums needed. Each day afterwards, I checked for sprouts. After about a week or ten days of this routine, I still had nothing but a cup of dirt.

I decided to move them outside. Maybe more sun would help. Maybe natural rain water would do them good. As you remember, they got a lot of natural rain water. So much so that I suspected the seeds had rotted from the moisture. It had been two weeks and no green to be seen. I wondered if I should toss them out and start over. And then the next morning I walked past and noticed sprouts, not just sprouts beginning to push out of the soil, but sprouts three and four inches high. I laughed out loud. I showed my husband. I'd awoken and found my lost cause full of nasturtiums and the promise of flowers. So it is with the Kingdom of God, Jesus tell us.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, Mustard Seeds, by Andrea Martin