Holy Unto The Lord
Exodus 19:1-25
by Walter Kimbrough

The challenge of every Christian believer is to live a holy life. Ralph P. Martin has defined holy as, “That person or thing that is separated from all that is profane, common or defiling. Yahweh alone is ‘the Holy One.’ Those persons, places or things that belong to God are holy -- they are sanctified by God for divine use or they manifest God’s presence or activity.” In other words, one who experiences a holy life has, out of necessity, that life connected with God. In the Christian experience the connection with God is made through Jesus Christ.

First Peter chapter 1 and verses 15 and 16 read, “But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy.” Once again, the Old Testament and the New Testament come together in harmony as Peter quotes Leviticus 11:44(b), 45(b). God is declaring the mandate to live holy lives. God, the holy one, is the supreme example of what it means to be holy. Therefore, we are called upon to be like God, called to be holy.

Then, we read, “Who among the gods is like you, 0 Lord? Who is like you -- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders?… (Exodus 15:11 NIV).” Just think what it means to be like God who is majestic, who is awesome and who is working wonders. Yet we are challenged to be holy like God in all that we say or do. We must master holy living, not just on Sunday morning, but everyday and all day. God never changes and if we are to be like God, then we must not change.

In other words, if we are to be holy like God then we must be in the presence of God. Our lives must be wrapped up in humility as we come into God’s presence. We must show our respect in outward appearance as well as inward attitude. We meet God on God’s terms and not ours. Reginald Heber, almost 200 years ago, wrote,

“Holy, holy, holy! Lord God AlmightyEarly in the morning our song shall rise to thee. Holy, holy, holy! Merciful and mighty, God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Holy, holy holy! All the saints adore thee, casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, which wert, and art, and ever more shall be.

Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee, though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.”

The prophet Isaiah declared, the words of the seraphs, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory… (Isaiah 6:3 NIV).” Then we read another version of the same declaration, as the four living creatures kept saying night and day, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come… (Revelation 4:8 NIV).” All writers are seeking to declare the same message. Our God is in fact three in one. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Still, we are challenged to be holy unto the Lord.

Because of the great importance of God in human history and more especially in human life, and acknowledging that God is holy and we are challenged to be likewise, it is imperative that we discover three significant factors surrounding the reality of God in the affairs of history.

The first significant factor surrounding the reality of God in the affairs of history is that God sends a great announcement. For most people, a well-designed and printed card invitation, mailed to selected friends would suffice to announce a marriage or any other festive occasion. There was a retired couple who one day purchased cards announcing a birth. They filled out the blank spaces and gave all of the descriptive details. They told about the name, the date of birth, the weight and the color of eyes. To my great surprise, the announcement was not for their baby boy, nor their baby girl, but rather for their baby cat. The joy of this retired couple was just as great over the birth of their baby cat as the joy of parents having given biological birth. They had a great announcement.

God’s announcement was not like our announcements. God did not send a card or a telegram. God did not send a letter or make a telephone call. The great announcement was made using thunder and lightning accompanied by loud trumpet blasts. The attention of all of Israel had been appropriately secured. So now, the agenda of God can be shared. God demands our attention when we are addressed.

The text says it well, particularly in verse 16, “On the morning of the third day, there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast.” It is important to note that this historic event took place on the third day morning, just like the resurrection of our Lord. Remember, it happened on the third day morning. Now, God had already informed Israel that a message was to be delivered to them on the third day, and he always fulfills his promises.

The song of Deborah begins to declare the intensity of God’s announced presence. “0 Lord, when you went out from Seir, when you marched from the land of Edom, the earth shook, the heaven poured, the clouds poured down waters. The mountains quaked before the Lord, the God of Israel… (Judges 5:4-5).” The self of God is disclosed. The presence of God on the mountain made it holy, thereby excluding it as a place of habitation or occasional use by ordinary people. Only those who were selected by God were given the privilege to ascend the holy mountain. Moses and Aaron were given this privilege.

The presence of God comes to us today in great announcements. God was present in Germany when the walls, separating East from West, came tumbling down. God was present in the Persian Gulf when the declaration of war was levied on Iraq and the end came quickly, thereby sparing thousands of lives. There is also a presence in the Soviet Union supporting the people in their cry for democracy. God is everywhere at the same time, but wants the attention of the people of the world.

The Bible says, “If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land… (2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV).” God is desirous of helping his people. The announcement is made and the challenge is for us to respond positively to God.

Now, the second significant factor surrounding the reality of God in the affairs of history is found in the mystery of God. Following a dramatic announcement of the coming of God, then God appears on the mountain in fire amidst the smoke. The self of God was hidden. An awaiting, anticipating people were denied the opportunity to see God face to face.

In every human situation, the joy of the people reaches its climax when the long awaited “star” arrives and appears on stage. Whenever Pope John Paul II is to appear in a given place, literally thousands of people gather to hear and see this great man. All other speakers are but preliminary. The people would have come to hear the Pope. Their mission is only accomplished when the Pope rises to speak and the people are able to see and hear him. The presence of God was hidden from the people as if the curtain remained closed.

The immortal Babe Ruth had remained the home run king of baseball for many years. Then history produced a Hank Aaron who was to break the record that many had declared was unbreakable. Babe Ruth’s record had been tied by Hank and then in Atlanta, Fulton County Stadium, this young upstart from Alabama came to the plate. As the pitcher released the ball, Hank moved the bat to meet it just over the plate. A loud cracking sound could be heard in the stands and over the airwaves. The ball began to soar like a jet plane on takeoff, and it landed in the stands. The people in the stadium rose to their feet, put their hands together for an unrehearsed applause. Hank Aaron had just hit home run number 715, breaking Babe Ruth’s old record of 714. The people came to the stadium because they wanted to be present when Hank Aaron broke the record. They came to see the man. The people of Israel came to the mountain to see God, but God said no! Only Moses and Aaron were allowed upon the mountain to be in the presence of God.

The President of the United States always draws a crowd. It might be said that when the President speaks, the people listen. Long introductions are not given for one who is known so widely. In the Congress of the United States, the speaker simply says, “Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States.” That introduction becomes adequate. The people are waiting to hear the President speak; reporters are all around anxious to tell the world what thus saith the President.

In the experience of Israel, the people knew of God’s arrival. The elements of the universe had formed a symphonic chorus to announce the arrival of God. But, for whatever reason God chose to remain behind the curtain, closed by smoke. The person of God was not revealed.

Now, let us say a word on behalf of God. Not that God needs it or even wants it, but we offer it in hopes that a new perspective may be gained on the mystery of God. The gospel writer John tells us, “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth… (John 4:24 NIV).” Therefore, the presence of God knows no limitations. In other words, the presence of God was not only on the mountain, but also at the foot of the mountain where the people were. We, therefore, encounter God on a spiritual level wherever we are, because God is. That is the reflection of the mystery of God.

Finally, the third significant factor surrounding the reality of God in the affairs of history is found in the existence of a dialogical relationship. It must be said that God speaks to whom he wills. Moses was an unexpected choice to be in dialogue with God. He had no prior claim to leadership skills. Furthermore, he was not a fluent speaker. Yet God chose him for a significant position of leadership in the life of Israel. It was Moses who spoke first, and the text simply declares that, “The voice of God answered him.” A spiritual voice spoke from the mountain in reply to Moses. They were not strangers to each other. Time had consistently brought them together. They were on the same team in the interest of the deliverance of Israel.

God sent a warning to the people. Do not come up the mountain, stay where you are. The mountain is a holy place. It is life threatening if you persist and force your way up. J. Edgar Park once declared that, “The experience was designated to instill a sense of reverence in the people’s intercourse with God.’’ There ought to be an ‘‘awe” in our lives when we come near the presence of God.

However, the key note to be sounded is the one declaring the ability and willingness of God to communicate with Moses. The expression was not monological, but more importantly dialogical. That gives us hope, for if Moses could dialogue with God, then maybe we can, too. If God was willing to hear and respond to Moses, then God will hear and respond to us.

Older generations have declared that we can always talk to God in prayer. Prayer, then, becomes that avenue that allows us accessibility to God. It is the door that grants us entrance into the arena of God.

Our challenge today is to be holy as God is holy. We must immerse ourselves in the Word, developing an understanding as well as an appreciation of the Word; acknowledging that the Word of God is a light upon our pathway. A light that keeps us from stumbling in the dark.

Further, we are challenged to listen for the voice of God. The message will offer direction of successful living even in a confused world. Just like Moses, we just have open lines of communication with God. Then, we can join with the angelic chorus in singing the threefold “Holy, holy, holy!” The Lord God Almighty is truly holy and we are striving everyday to likewise be holy unto him.

C.S.S. Publishing Company, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, by Walter Kimbrough