Holding to Tradition
Mark 7:1-23
by Brett Blair

The pharisees obsession over ritual uncleanness reminds of the story about two monks, Tanzan and a younger monk, walking down a muddy street. They arrived at the river crossing and there was a lovely young girl dressed in fine silks, who was afraid to cross because of all the mud.

"Come on, girl," said Tanzan. And he picked her up in his arms, and carried her across.

The two monks did not speak again till nightfall. Then, when they had returned to the monastery, the young monk couldn't keep quiet any longer.

"Monks are not suppose to go near young girls," he said "certainly not beautiful ones like that one! Why did you do it?"

"My dear fellow," said Tanzan. "I put that girl down back in the city. It's you who are still carrying her."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations , by Brett Blair