Holding Our Hand
Mark 4:35-41
by Kristin Borsgard Wee

There was a little farm boy who was taken to a neighbor's house for the day. As night came on the little boy went out on the porch intending to go home. He became frightened by the darkness and began to cry. There was no one to take him home and he was very worried. After a while, he looked out of the window in the direction of his house. Suddenly his face lit up and he exclaimed, "I'm not afraid anymore!" When the neighbor asked him why, the little boy answered, "Because I can see a light in the window of our house. That means my big sister is coming for me, and I'll not be afraid when I hold her hand."

That's the only real answer to fear that I know. When a light in the distance tells me soon I will not be alone.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc. , Sermons for Sundays after Pentecost (First Third): Do You Love Me?, by Kristin Borsgard Wee