Hey Blockhead, I Love You!
Luke 15:8-10, Luke 15:1-7
by Staff

I remember reading a Peanuts cartoon strip in which Lucy comes up to her brother Charlie Brown and does something that is very unusual for her. She says - I love you. But Charlie Brown keeps responding by saying: no you don't. And each time Lucy answers a little louder: yes I do, I really love you. But Charlie Brown has been rejected so many times he keeps saying: it can't be true. So in the last square, Lucy has reached the limit of her patience and she screams out in a loud voice: Hey stupid, I love you.

I wonder if God has to do that with us sometimes. I mean, what does it take to get through. Does he have to yell out: Hey blockhead, I love you. Can't you see that God will literally turn this world upside down in his search for one human soul. Maybe you fell like God has been turning your world upside down a little bit lately. Well, that's love at work. And the supreme sign of that love is the gift of Christ Jesus.

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, by Staff